Sanctuary Churches to Help Undocumented Immigrants

First Parish on the Bedford Common

First Parish Church of Groton will host a discussion on Thurs, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss sanctuary churches as a way to help undocumented immigrant families. Although First Parish does not have the physical space to become a sanctuary church, it will lend its support to other churches. Come to learn how you might help.

Representatives of the Bedford UU congregation, which has recently voted to become a sanctuary church, will be speaking. Representatives of the Merrimack Valley Project, who recently hosted a Declaration of Conscience Forum with 13 Interfaith area pastors, will also be presenting. Pastor Peter Lovett said, “To the undocumented among us, who contribute every day to our communities, we support you. We believe in your fundamental dignity. Our doors are open.”

Thursday, May 11, 7:00 p.m., in the sanctuary of First Parish Church of Groton, Unitarian-Universalist, One Powderhouse Road, Groton, MA.

Sponsored by First Parish Groton Racial Justice Ministry Group
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