In Newsletter October 18, 2019

IN Newsletter

October 18, 2019


2020 Kickoff IN General Meeting

To get warmed up for 2020 (as if impeachment, Syria, the election, and insanity aren’t enough) Indivisible Nashoba will host its 2020 Kick-off General Meeting on Saturday, November 9th at the Groton Public Library. Please save that Saturday morning to rekindle your enthusiasm for all things positive and progressive.

The IN Steering Committee has confirmed that candidate Deb Busser will be on hand to outline her campaign for State Representative against Republican Sheila Harrington. Deb will take questions from the audience and discuss how we might support her campaign.

Preliminary agenda: 

10:15 AM      Welcome & Introductions

                        Activities and Accomplishments

10:30 AM        State Rep Candidate Deb Busser; Presentation and Q&A

11:00 AM      Moving Forward 

11:30AM       Write some postcards! (for folks able to stay for a while) 

Don’t Bag it     

Plastic Bag Ban in Groton  – Fall Town Meeting

A Proposal to Ban Single-use Plastic Bags

The Town of Groton will vote on this proposal at

Fall Town Meeting – Middle School

Monday, October 21, 2019  7PM

Four Not-so-funny Facts about Plastic Bags 

  1. single-use plastic bags are discarded every year in US
  2. plastic bags are tossed in Massachusetts every year! 
  3. of plastic bags are not recycled.   

Please be there this Monday evening.  The Town needs your Vote.

M&Ms’ Saturday Postcard Party  (October 19th)

Nobody knows what Mike has in store for folks this week.  It’s always a fun adventure to snuggle into Mike and Mary’s living room with the zippy tunes playing – all as a prelude to The Ohio State Football game.

Join us at Mike and Mary’s this Saturday. Bring a friend.  9-11 a.m.   For details contact Mike at

Postcards at Prescott   (Thursday October 31st)

Susan Willcox invites happy people everywhere to come to Postcards at Prescott – Thursdays from 2PM-4PM – this fall and into 2020.   

October 31st  (costumes encouraged:)
November 14th
December 5th

For more information contact Susan Willcox: 

Peachy Impeachment                                                                       

In case you missed it …

Excerpts from Boston Globe’s Fast Forward by Teresa Hanafin  – October 17, 2019

“There’s a new bombshell investigative report by ProPublica that seems to confirm what former Trump fixer Michael Cohen told Congress: That in his private business, Trump inflated the value of his assets when he was trying to borrow money, and deflated the values when he was paying taxes. Both would constitute criminal fraud.

From the story: “Documents obtained by ProPublica show stark differences in how Donald Trump’s businesses reported some expenses, profits and occupancy figures for two Manhattan buildings, giving a lender different figures than they provided to New York City tax authorities. The discrepancies made the buildings appear more profitable to the lender — and less profitable to the officials who set the buildings’ property tax.”

“The discrepancies are ‘versions of fraud,’ said Nancy Wallace, a professor of finance and real estate at the Haas School of Business at the University of California-Berkeley. ‘This kind of stuff is not OK.’ “

Read the report for yourself.

Bitter Sweet

Don’t count Trump out yet. Here’s why.

Washington Post  Opinion – Max Boot  October 17, 2019

“Between Syria and Ukraine, President Trump has had an awful few weeks. A majority of the public now favors his impeachment and removal. But don’t get cocky, Trump-haters. Developments from across the pond suggest that he might prove too resilient for comfort.”

Full article:

Action Item

According to Indivisible’s national organization, here’s something you can do right now to keep the pressure up on impeachment – even considering the progressive nature of Massachusetts.

Sign up for a phone banking shift to talk to voters in key states and urge them to call their senators to demand a transparent and fair impeachment trial.

Nothing to Do with Politics:

               Next Stop:  Haunted Halloween?

Political Reality

Stand with Indivisible Nashoba

Indivisible Nashoba is involved in many activities that engage voters including postcard events, candidate forums, ranked choice voting canvassing, and debate parties.  We are a volunteer organization and we need financial support to continue our efforts here in Nashoba Valley.

    $11 will purchase 100 blank postcards.

    $35 gets us 100 postcard stamps.

    $50 helps us sponsor events like the debate parties or the Grotonfest booth.

Your contribution will benefit Indivisible Nashoba, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Donations are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.  For information contact IN Treasurer, Beth Garcia onyxpected@yahoo.comv

 Please contribute today to support Indivisible Nashoba. Together, we win.

The End


Your suggestions for upcoming editions of the IN Newsletter are welcome.


John Goodale