Dear Indivisible Nashoba,
We are excited to present two candidates at our meeting this Saturday, March 10, from 10:15 a.m. – 12 noon. Alexandra Chandler will start promptly at 10:15 a.m. She is running for U.S. Congress to replace Niki Tsongas, who is retiring.

At 11:00 a.m. we have invited Cindy King from Townsend. She is running for the First Middlesex State Representative seat currently held by Sheila Harrington. After Cindy, we can discuss future candidates and directions for our group.

MA3 Grassroots
Brenton Stottart will present the website MA3 Grassroots, a website that tracks candidates positions on issues within the MA3 district election.
Steering committee has designed a survey to help us better anticipate areas of focus for the upcoming year. We have extended the deadline to March 15 to give more of you a chance to participate. Your answers will help us analyze the needs of IN so please respond: Take The Indivisible Nashoba Survey

March 24: March For Our Lives
On March 24 there is a March for Our Lives event being planned in Chelmsford. If you would like to be involved in planning this event there are two planning meetings coming up on Monday March 12 and Monday March 19.
- Monday, March 12, planning March for our Lives, 7:00 pm. (contact Deborah for location)
- Monday, March 19, planning March for our Lives, 7:00 pm (contact Deborah for location)
- Saturday, March 24, March for Our Lives, 2:00-5:00 pm, 4 North Rd., Chelmsford
Mark your calendars- our next three IN General Meetings will be on Saturdays at the GPL from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon:
- Saturday, April 7, Owen Smith Shuman Gallery, Groton Public Library
- Saturday, May 5, Owen Smith Shuman Gallery, Groton Public Library
- Saturday, June 2, Owen Smith Shuman Gallery, Groton Public Library
Deborah Santoro & Margaret Scarsdale
Co-chairs of Indivisible Nashoba
Cheers to Indivisible Nashoba and its phenomenal members!