Serving Ashby, Ayer, Dunstable, Groton, Lunenburg, Pepperell, Shirley, and Townsend
Positive & Progressive
Indivisible Nashoba is a local volunteer organization that supports progressive issues. We’re part of the national Indivisible organization – with thousands of chapters across the country. Our overarching goal is to stay engaged and to encourage local folks to get involved.
Our Focus
We’re focused primarily on voter turnout and voter education – but we also support other issues – at both the state and national level – for example environmental issues and healthcare issues.
Are you involved?
What are your areas of interest? It feels great to get involved and do something positive.
Join Us
Join us and let us know how you’d like to get involved. Or sign up to receive the IN newsletter to see what we’re planning and how you could help. *See below for IN activities last month.
- Website: www.Indivisiblenashoba.org
- E-mail: jgoodale63@gmail.com
- Phone 978-228-2299
*Recent IN Activities
*Every Saturday, we stage a postcard writing event. (We’ve sent out thousands of handwritten, creative postcards to encourage folks to get out and vote.)
*September 18th we sponsored a Medicare-for-all forum hosted by Massachusetts Senator Jamie Eldridge.
*September 12th (and August 30th) We worked with local democratic town committees to organize watch parties for the last two Democratic debates.